EMS Group joins UCIMA

EMS GROUP is glad to announce that it joined UCIMA, the Confindustria Association that brings together Italian manufacturers of automatic machines for packaging.

EMS Group at DJAZAGRO 2022

The EMS Group will be attending DJAZAGRO 2022 and presenting the latest products in its portfolio of industrial automation solutions, ranging from product unit handling to intralogistics and storage management.

TIM and EMS Group: towards the Next Generation Factory

5G technology meets storage systems to create cutting-edge digital intralogistics solutions.

EMS AfterMarket Parts & Services

Our constant commitment to innovation rewrites the entire life cycle of the system: design, assistance, maintenance and training. This is why we created AMPS AfterMarket Parts & Services, the service company with which we design and implement advanced solutions to optimize technological innovation.

EMS Group at Hispack 2022

The EMS Group will be attending and presenting new products from its range of industrial automation solutions, ranging from product unit handling to intralogistics and storage management.

EMS Group at Glassman Latin America

EMS Group at Glassman Latin America

Truck Live Tracking for the automation of intralogistics processes

Truck Live Tracking is a gate with RFID-based technology. It is an advanced solution in integrated logistics, as it speeds up the loading and unloading of goods in the warehouse.

EMS Group palletizing systems: solutions suitable for any sector and need thanks to the modular range design.

The modularity of our palletizing systems enables to handle different types of product with the utmost flexibility and reliability and to meet the needs of several sectors in terms of production speed, increasing line efficiency and reducing maintenance costs.

EMS Group at Pack Expo East

EMS Group at Pack Expo East

EMS Group at CFIA Rennes 2022

EMS Group at CFIA Rennes 2022